Marketing with Hashtags

Today I am reviewing the blog by Sherice Jacob on how to market with Hashtags –

Hashtags started upon twitter as way to organise tweets so users can view tweets on specific topics, however in the last few years they’ve really taken off. Sherice’s blog goes through the essential do’s and don’ts of marketing with hashtags.

An interesting concept was the idea of Hashtags hijacking. This means using an already successful or popular hashtag that orignates from someone else and usig it to draw attention to your marketing program. However this can be risky and there have been noteable fails like #McDStories and #notguilty.

Hashtags can also create a sense of community for those using it. Often it allows people from certain groups, organisations and charitys to share their stories with people from the same walks of life.

I found this article particularly interesting as a twitter user myself. Normally when I see a hashtag facebook or twitter I view it as a joke or a poor attempt to claim fame. Although this blog really opened my eyes as to the usefullness of Hashtags for marketing campaigns and highlighted their worth.

It will be interesting in the coming years to see if they survive or fade off into the grace yard of poor marketing tools


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