About Me

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About Me

As someone who comes to the K-12 teaching profession from a previous career in Higher Ed, I bring a variety of perspectives to the table.  I’ve been a student leader, a recruiter and admissions advisor, a policy and enrolment analyst, a member of countless university committees focused on things like ‘how do we get more students excited about science’ to ‘how do we redesign an engineering curriculum’ to ‘how do we plan enrolment’ to ‘how do we keep the campus safe in an emergency’ and even ‘how do we make a large impersonal campus feel like a tight-knit learning community?’

Now that I am in the classroom, I am happy to shift my focus from how we can make the big feel small to how do we make the small excellent.  In this space, you will see reflections on my teaching practice as it develops, musings on policy issues in education and other things as they come up.


LinkedIn is a great tool for networking and arranging information about your professional experience, so rather than re-invent the wheel here, I invite you to take a look at my LinkedIn page.