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Getting back to collaborators, a vital part of collaborative research. Not only to comply with the proposed research approach and to get feedback on the work that has been done but also as an act of reciprocity and respect towards research collaborators. Allowing them a safe space to freely discuss, comment and raise their voices, if they want to.

On May 3rd I went back to the Indigenous and Intercultural Studies Institute (IIEI) at the University of La Frontera, Chile. The Institute not only hosted me for three months during 2016 while I was doing fieldwork in the Araucania Region but also it has been a very important collaborator during the whole research process.

The objective of this visit was to present and discuss the results of the research with a broad audience. In doing so, I was also lucky to have an interdisciplinary panel to comment on my presentation. The panel was formed by Ximena Cuadra, Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, University du Québec a Montréal, Alberto Kuramil, Longko of Lof Radalko in Curacautin, and Gonzalo Bustamante, Adjoint Professor at Univerity of La Frontera.

I recorded the presentation, the panel discussion and the QA section, and edited this video (all in Spanish):

This is the press note the IIEI released about the presentation (in Spanish):


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