Midterm Evaluation

This is an early post on the way that technology is affecting the ways in which we tell and share stories, among other things. I chose this post because I feel, due to my age, that I had a somewhat intuitive sense of the way in which certain technologies are shaping the world around us, and that this lent itself to a better-than-average blog post.

Assignment 1:3 – Technology and Story


This post dealt with my “sense of home.” I chose this because of how much I enjoyed writing it. It was extremely rewarding to take time to trace my ancestry and the movements of my ancestors and then to tie their experiences into my own life, which has found me moving a great deal.

Assignment 2:2 – My Sense of Home


This last post is an analysis of the introduction to “Living by Stories,” and in a way of the character of Harry Robinson specifically. I chose this because the aforementioned introduction has been my favorite thing that we’ve read thus far, and I found Robinson to be a fascinating person.

Assignment 2:4 – Question 2: Robinson on Making Meaning from Stories

2 Thoughts.

  1. Hi Cooper,

    I’ve enjoyed reading your blog posts and engaging in discussions in the comments with you. I am starting to look ahead at next week’s assignment of finding 3 partners for the end of term online conference (assignment 3:3).

    Throughout this course, I’ve been particularly interested in connecting what we are learning to modern day issues Indigenous communities encouter – as such, most of my blog posts have related to this in some way. I imagine I’ll be interested in continuing to explore this in the online conference.

    In terms of my schedule and working habits, I work full-time so am mostly available outside of 9 – 5 to get assignments completed, but am available online throughout the day. I have been trying to get most of the assignment done in advance of the deadlines, and would appreciate being in a group with a similar attitude. I also want to note that I will be travelling starting April 4th, so will be trying to get as much of the assignment completed before then as possible.

    If you’re interested in potentially working together, please let me know by either replying to this comment or emailing me at katarina.smith96@gmail.com! Thanks 🙂

  2. Hi Katarina,

    I appreciate you reaching out. I’d be happy to work together. It sounds like we have similar work styles and schedules so it should go smoothly.

    My email is coop2478@gmail.com, if you’d like to continue correspondence that way.


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