Hello me, and anyone else who happens to come across this post and take the time to read it. My name is Coral (or Coral-Lee if you’re my mother), last name Stewart-Hillier. Yes, it’s double hyphenated.

I am a fourth year Science student majoring in Behavioural Neuroscience. I was raised in Manitoba with my 5 sisters, but I now live in Vancouver as I study at UBC. At this moment however, I write this post from Honduras, where I am visiting my fiancé and his family. I plan to move here after I graduate, and that is what has sparked a large part of my interest in Latin American Studies.

I’m generally interested in people, psychology, cooking, eating, dancing, singing, watching Netflix, and being as joyful as I can possibly be. I haven’t perfected any of the above, and I enjoy a good Thursday cry session as much as anyone, but its a work in progress. Aren’t we all?