Previously used for Latin American Studies 303

“I Am From” – a Personal Adaptation

I am from wheat

from endless prairies

and the Red River.

I am from flowers –

dainty, colourful.

The smell of freshly cut grass.


FromĀ eat the fruit off the tree before it falls.

From Carol

and Wayne.

From garlic

and wild licorice.


I am from the campfire

boiling, searing,

corn on the cob,

lilac bushes,

and summer road trips.

Hi! My name is Coral-Lee, but everyone has called me Coral for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a small town called Selkirk in Manitoba. I moved to Vancouver in September of 2017 for University, and I am now in my 4th year of a Bachelor of Science in Behavioural Neuroscience. I will hopefully graduate next June! A lot of my courses focus on psychology and neuroscience, which are both subjects that I find really interesting. However, I’m also really passionate about volunteering, learning different languages, learning about different cultures, and connecting with other people. So whenever I can, I try to take electives that focus on those ideas! In my spare time I like to watch TV ( mostly Friends, Gilmore Girls, and How I Met Your Mother, just to name a few), watch movies (anything Disney, romantic comedy, and the occasional action), travel, and eat!

As of now, I’m actually in Honduras because my boyfriend and his family live here. I hope to move to Honduras after I graduate, which is a big part of why I enrolled in LAST 303. I’m looking forward to learning more about Latin American culture and about my boyfriends ancestors! I’m especially excited about the focus on food and foodways, because the food here is one of the first things that I fell in love with, and I would love to learn about it in a more meaningful way. Overall, I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you a little bit more and walking through these weird times together.


“I Am From” poem adapted from Rubi Orozco Santos


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