
Category: Uncategorized

Response: Just “Equipment Co-op”

Although points made on Alison’s post (https://blogs.ubc.ca/a34s/2013/11/27/just-equipment-co-op/) are true, such as infuriated long-time customers over the change of the new logo, some changes had to be made due to poor financial performance. In order to improve profits, MEC had to analyze the current health activities of the target market and proceed to STP. 71% of members […]

Geographic Segmentation in Coca-Cola Marketing

This is a response post to Valeria’s post about marketing approaches of Coca-Cola. I agree with Valeria that Coca-Cola does segment the market depending on geography. I’ve personally experienced the difference in 3 of the 4 Ps in marketing while I spend my summers in Hong Kong. During summertime, the weather in Hong Kong is […]

The Red Cup

I’m no regular Starbucks consumer. In fact, I avoid purchasing from them at all costs. However, when the iconic red holiday cup rolls around, I can’t help but to guiltily purchase a drink. What’s so great about these red cups? Aside from the limited-time drink flavours such as peppermint, eggnog, caramel brulee and gingerbread, the […]

Excellent and Powerful UN Women Ad Campaign

UN Woman, a United Nations organization for gender equality and women’s empowerment, had recently released some powerful images of real suggested autocomplete searches on Google regarding sexism in the world today. The message conveyed is loud and clear: gender inequality is still prominent in some parts of the world. Women are commonly discriminated against and […]

Tasty Drink, Tasteless Ad

You would think a high-end alcohol brand like Belvedere would know better than to publicize this not-so-classy advertisement. The following image was posted to Belvedere’s official Facebook and Twitter.   If it isn’t obvious enough, let me walk you through why this ad was taken down within an hour it was posted. First off, there […]

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