Monthly Archives: January 2023

Email Memorandum to Instructor


To: Erika Paterson

From: Corbyn Kwan

Date: 25 January 2023

Subject: Email memo assignment

As you know, I was assigned to post a letter of application to find compatible team members for the rest of the term.

To summarize, what the letter of application entails:

  • My professional goal to be a tech entrepreneur
  • My work experience at Microsoft, SAP, and Credit Hero
  • My volunteer experience at a club, hackathons, and as a freelance developer
  • My academic achievements and scholarships I’ve been awarded.
  • My strengths which entail good work ethics and practices
  • My weaknesses, which entail flaws in my writing style.
  • My learning philosophy of understanding how everything works.

If you require any additional assistance, please contact me by email.

Enclosure: 301 Corbyn Kwan Application letter

Application letter

Dear prospective writing teammates:

I am writing this letter so that you can evaluate if we are compatible in terms of writing skills, and academic/professional interests. If so, we can form a team together.

My professional goal is to build something of my own and be a tech entrepreneur. To support this goal, moving up the career ladder in the engineering manager path will develop skills to lead people, and communicate with stakeholders that will translate to my goal.

As for work experience, I will be working as a Software Engineer at Microsoft in July. I interned as a Software Engineer at Microsoft, SAP, and Credit Hero.

As for volunteer experiences, I worked as a developer in Campus Nutrition, won BizHacks 2021, and work on paid technical projects for clients part-time.

As for academic achievements, I got into the Computer Science program at UBC, and received the Outstanding International Student Award.

Below is a list of my strengths and weaknesses in terms of writing skills, and work habits:


  • Gets work done early
  • Very responsive to messages
  • Non-judgmental to any questions or feedback


  • The flow of my writing is incohesive
  • Lacks variety in sentence patterns

My learning philosophy is to understand how everything works. I dislike it when someone says “it’s just how it is”. When I don’t understand something, I ask a question during lectures and do my own research if it’s outside the scope of the class. By understanding how everything works, you are able to use what you learned in your day-to-day life.

I appreciate you reading this letter, and hope to hear from you soon. Feel free to contact me by email:



301 Corbyn Kwan Application letter