Unit One Reflection Blog

While writing

I used to use a separate sentence to define a term which would make my writing incoherent and difficult to follow. Using parenthesis definitions conveys the complex terms more simply and effectively while allowing my writing to be coherent and easier to follow.

I used history, analysis of parts, visuals, and comparison and contrasts for my methods of expanded definitions. These tools allow me to explain complex terms in a variety of ways to make the reader understand my writing more effectively.

Peer reviewing

Creating a list of things to look out for was very useful before peer-reviewing a document. It allows me to spot errors in the document, that I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. This list can then be reorganized into sections of my peer review which makes it much easier to read for my partner.


My partner gave fantastic feedback. He recommended explaining terms that a computer science student wouldn’t know. I also didn’t complete all of the assignment’s requirements so I completely did those which include 1. another reference 2. another method of expanded definitions. I also re-did the formatting and added subsections to my assignment so that it will be easier to read and more coherent.

Link of peer’s review

LinkĀ  of revised revision

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