Unit 2 Reflection


I apologize but I accidentally posted the assignment on my team blog instead of my own blog. Here’s the link to on my team’s blog for my reflection as evidence that I posted on time: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/2023/03/17/unit-2-reflection/

The reflection posted here is the exact same


I have used LinkedIn aimlessly before and didn’t accomplish notable results from it. After doing this task though, I know where I went wrong and feel more comfortable creating a good LinkedIn profile. Each of the best practices I researched has different uses. For example, completing your profile can be used to attract recruiters since completed profiles show your profile more in the search algorithm. Whereas cold messaging people and joining LinkedIn groups can be used to expand your network to find jobs in the hidden job market.

Formal Report

I’ve never written a formal report before, so I struggled immensely thinking of an idea for my formal report. It was hard to find the right balance of feasibility, familiarity, and personal interest. An example of feasibility would be knowing that your primary sources will include interviewing people that you have to know will be willing to partake in the interview.

I eventually settled for a research topic on ‘Strategies to make meetings more effective’. However, this topic didn’t address someone of authority so I had to redo my whole proposal and change it to ‘Strategies to make meetings more effective in a tech company I used to work at’. I have some concerns regarding maintaining the anonymity of the company I worked at since I don’t want to criticize a company’s meeting practices as it’s controversial.

Peer Review

I’ve learned to use real-life examples when explaining a concept. In Aman’s proposal of e-scooters on campus, he used examples such as Kelowna and the e-scooter company Lime which I thought was a stellar comparison. I also notice that a lot of proposals on my team’s writing forum contained unnecessary wording and phrasing that could be removed and the proposal would still be understood so I want to try to do that to make my writing more concise.

Link to the revised proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/2023/03/02/peer-review-of-formal-report-proposal-for-aman-johal/

Note: Didn’t have a peer review done for me as my initial proposal got rejected.

Thank you for reading my reflection. Looking forward to hearing from you.



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