Self-assessment reflection


I noticed that I’m very good at giving peer reviews. If a particular writing style doesn’t flow or make sense to me, I’m quick to identify why (i.e. what does this term mean?). I’m also quick to take note of any typos or mistakes the author makes.

I’m also very good at formatting in terms of making things readable in a bullet point format which is something I’ve used throughout all the assignments. I think this is also supported by the peer reviews about me where the reviews often complement the clear structure of my formatting.


I notice I hand in work late a lot of the time. Most of it has to do because I don’t add the course schedule to my Google calendar, and part of it has to do with time management because of work, other classes, and taking care of my daughter.

I also notice that the tone of my writing is too negative which is especially bad because it makes my writing sound less convincing and makes giving feedback more personal. I really enjoyed the “Writing with YOU attitude” exercises because they allowed me to understand why my writing sounded so negative, and I feel like my report topic of “Strategies to make meetings at Momonono more effective” was a good pivot to apply this strategy.

Future goalsĀ 

As I’m graduating this term and entering the workforce as an entry-level software engineer at Microsoft. Software Engineers especially as they progress in their careers need to plan technical reports on how to build a system. It’s especially hard to write this report in a way that is easy to understand. However, the skills that I learned from the ‘Definitions’ (especially expansion strategies), ‘Writing with YOU attitude’, and general writing tips such as avoiding imperative verbs, and formatting will make writing a technical report a lot more effective.

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