
Enclosed version of my resume

Corbyn Kwan

123 Street

Vancouver, BC, ABC 123

Phone: (250) 123-4567 



Objective  Full-time entry-level role in a tech company
Qualifications Languages

Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Java, SQL


React, React Native, AWS, Azure, Node.js, MongoDB, Docker


2018 – May 2023

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BCBachelor of Science in Computer Science 


Microsoft, Vancouver, BC Worked as an intern working in dev-ops. 

Saved 100+ hours a week for 1000+ developers in the ES365 team by building a feature that re-runs pipeline builds if they fail with an error where re-running them would make them succeed. This is done through an ADO trigger that activates whenever a build fails which calls an Azure function that calls multiple regex expressions stored in a Cosmos DB to see if we should re-run the pipeline

2021 SAP, Vancouver, BC 

Worked as an intern making machine learning models that flag dangerous sentences in contracts. Integrated these models into an API that is used by over 200 analysts every day. Achieved a 85% f-score by using different models and NLP tokenizers on a multi label/classification text dataset to flag sentences in service contracts using sk-learn, SAP DAR, and Google BERT.

2021 Campus Nutrition, Vancouver, BC

Developed a food directory web application that partnered with several restaurants and clubs around UBC that receives over 3,000 visits a day. Increased Google SEO score from 34 to 92 by highlighting searched queries, removing duplicates, and avoiding showing error 404 pages

2020 Credit Hero, Hong Kong 

Worked as an intern in a startup. Made the user sign-up page, added a text-to-speech feature, and created most of the website. 

References  Available on request