

My name is Corbyn from Malaysia, and I’m in my 5th year at UBC studying Computer Science.

Academic Interests 

Usually in Computer Science, there are 2 streams you can go to. You can focus on:

1. Computer systems and how computers actually work


2. Algorithm to solve complex problems in the most efficient way

I like 1. a lot more than 2. mostly because I find how humans made computers very recently very fascinating and surreal so used all of my electives on courses related to 1. Also usually courses in 1. are more applicable in the work force because you rarely have to do any math in software engineering, and if you do it’s mostly already done for you so you don’t have to worry about it.

Also, I found out before I ran out of electives but I really enjoy reading about sociology, and philosophy (mainly stoicism). So I just read books about those topics in my own time.

Professional Interests

I interned at a startup, SAP, and Microsoft. I’m gonna be working as a Software Engineer at Microsoft once I graduate after this term. I’m hoping to work on the product team because I wanna learn how products work cause I do plan to build something in the future. For my career trajectory, I wanna be an engineering manager because I enjoy managing a team while being technical! Also, I don’t think I can write code for the rest of my life.