More bad news for PC makers

As a parallel to the bankruptcy of Hostess, Dell and HP, two strong PC brands, are facing a consistent fall in their stocks with Dell falling 34.7% from the start of the fiscal year and a 49.2% decrease in stocks compared to the start of the year. However, Appleā€™s current situation, despite a loss in stocks, currently have a 29.8% increase in stocks compared to the start of the year. These statistics highlights both the ability and inability to adapt to the changes of the world, the movement from the PC to the mobile internet.

This report ties with not only the fallout of Hostess, but also the establishment of a new retail store in Toronto by Microsoft. The major PC brands are attempting to mimic the strategies of successful competitors such as Apple in order to adapt to the changes in the market. However, can Dell and HP be able to successfully push past this slump? It will all depend on how Dell and HP will be able to differentiate themselves in comparison to their competitors with the experience that they can offer to customers.

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