Why thanking mom is a marketing must



(Associated Press)

The article discusses the remarkable success of Proctor and Gamble’s “Thank you, Mom” marketing campaign during the London Olympics. The success of the campaign was linked to mothers of the world feeling unappreciated.  Market research conducted by Environics Communications and Citizen Optimum indicates the need of mothers to receive recognition for their work. Recognition of one’s work is one of the big motivators for employees in any company. Apparently it is a big motivator for mothers as well as evident from the half a billion dollars of increased sales. P&G is planning an Olympic “Thank you, Mom” redux for the Sochi Games.

The campaign was successful because Proctor & Gamble made an honest, genuine connection with mothers. They understood that everyone wants recognition for what they do, especially mothers, since people want to validate their self-worth. By portraying mothers realistically rather than idealistically, Proctor & Gamble was able to make an emotional connection with mothers and influence their target market into using their buying and decision making power within the household to purchase more Proctor & Gamble products. Now with more and more stay-at-home dads, will we be seeing a “Thank you, Dad” campaign in the future?




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