I had students create profiles at the beginning of my practicum which provided some insight into each student’s hobbies, favorite subjects, what they knew about Social Studies and their preferred learning style. This strategy allowed me form a background for each student and it enhanced my ability to adapt lessons and make the content more relevant by connecting it to personal interests.
I also pre-tested students before a unit, and before the final assignment, or test of that unit. In the tests I checked for student understanding of the major concepts and themes. This gave me an idea of which students needed extra support. By pre-testing before a unit a teacher’s lessons can have renewed focus, as it identifies what aspects need to covered more in depth and what specific areas students are struggling with.
A very simple and effective strategy is the thumbs up / thumbs down observation. Go over an idea, a term or a concept in class and to check for student understanding ask them to either give a thumbs up if they get it or a thumbs down if they need a bit more instruction. These methods will provide a clearer picture of what kinds of learners are in your classroom, what students know and will help direct the focus of lessons.