
Throughout my life I have had teachers who I respected and admired. They inspired me to be caring, responsible, independent and confident in myself. This left me with a desire to have a similar impact on people, and youth in particular. I have also had multiple bad teachers who have negatively impacted my learning experiences and education as a whole. I know how valuable the good quality teachers are and how deflating and discouraging the bad ones are. It is my hope as a teacher that I can give students the experience of having a passionate, caring, enthusiastic, and fun teacher; to get them motivated for learning and pursuing new goals, rather than pushing them away from education and opportunities it can bring.

When I was in grade 11 I made a decision to become a Teacher’s Assistant as one of my electives. I joined in helping a P.E 9 class and truly loved it. The following year I again decided to become a Teacher’s Assistant and ended up in another P.E 9 class. These two classes were very enjoyable for me, and it introduced me to what the teaching profession looked like from the inside, even if just on a basic level. I was intrigued and motivated to further pursue a career in teaching following my high school graduation. I have had lots of opportunities to observe how much teachers enjoy their jobs, and how much the profession gives back. Having a rewarding profession is very important to me.

Being involved in coaching for 2 years following high school was another experience that got me interested in teaching. I coached Senior Boy’s Rugby for two full seasons at Elgin Park Secondary and really enjoyed my interactions with the kids. By getting to know the students, building relationships with them and watching their progression and development I realized the value sports have in presenting opportunities for teachable moments. Players made significant strides in their development in teamwork, communication and leadership. I understand the importance and value that all extra-curricular activity has in student’s lives and it is my intention to play a major role as a volunteer in whichever school community I end up in.

A standout moment during my practicum was the overall appreciation many students gave me from the last couple of weeks until my final day.  They said some very supportive and positive comments about my teaching and remarked that they hoped to end up in my class in the future. It was encouraging to hear that I had impacted these students positively and made their learning an enjoyable experience. There were also lots of moments of fun throughout my practicum. I shared a lot laughs with kids and in particular really enjoyed student projects that they were given choice on. Several students made very humorous and well done videos, and even songs.


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