
It is my purpose as a teacher to inspire students. Whether it’s for the subject I teach or not, it is my job to facilitate student growth and help them explore their passions. I am committed to creating a positive, safe, and inclusive classroom environment where students feel welcomed, cared for, motivated to learn and enjoy coming to class each day. I intend to do this by establishing a sense of classroom community, developing a strong rapport with students and instructing my lesson in a manner that utilizes personalized and differentiated learning strategies. In order to be an effective teacher there has to be trust and respect between student and teacher. Through establishing connections and positive relationships with my students I hope to accomplish building such a climate in my classroom. Likewise, learning should be meaningful for students. As a teacher it is my goal to give students the opportunity to connect the subject matter with their own interests. In order for education to be meaningful it has to be relevant.

I possess certain characteristics and qualities that make teaching a very appropriate profession. I have an ability to relate and connect with students. Early on in my practicum I was able to build a strong rapport with students and develop trusting and respectful relationships. I am personable and easy to talk to, which helped to create a comfortable classroom environment where students were open to discussion, participation in activities and willing to ask questions and extra help if needed. I see myself as a positive role model for kids. I model being a caring person and a leader who is inclusive and embraces the diversity of students. Having strong organizational skills has been integral in the planning of lesson and units. It has allowed me to construct a strong foundation to build upon as I continued throughout my practicum. I also bring humour to the classroom, which makes things a lot less formal and frees up students to be themselves. Giving them an opportunity to find comfort in the classroom enhances their learning and I think through being outgoing and a bit more casual students will function at a higher level.


As a Social Studies teacher, I believe it is important for students to have an understanding of the world in which we live in, and the world they’re going to enter as adults. By learning about different places students have the ability to come in contact with other cultures, and from there students can gain insight into cultural differences and similarities, which in turn can foster an open mindedness that has students move away from the ethnocentrism that prevails in today’s western society. Social Studies opens the door for student’s to acquire the ability of perspective taking and understand differing interpretations of events, ideas and values. By studying the past students can figure out how institutions, traditions, politics, ideologies and society as a whole have developed and modernized to impact the current shape of our government, laws, culture, and communities. Students can also learn how cause and effect influence the decision of individuals, groups and nations and how conflict and wars are initiated and resolved. History also gives students good background knowledge that can help their study in other subjects like English, Science, Drama, and Art. Social Studies is also one of the few classes that promotes student development in critical thinking and gives students an opportunity to develop research skills and argue a point based on their investigation. It is also very easily relatable across curriculum. Social Studies transfers over to multiple subjects and requires skills integral to many other facets of life.

It is my responsibility as a teacher to ensure each student develops as a learner. No matter what level of skills and knowledge they enter with, it is my responsibility to ensure they’re making improvements throughout the course of the year. I have an obligation to give each student every opportunity for success. By establishing an inclusive classroom community that is a safe and fun space, by adapting and accommodating to individual needs and learning styles I can help each student achieve success. The classroom environment must be conducive to learning. Students need to be assured that they are cared for by the teacher, so as to allow for comfort in the classroom. These are the responsibilities I have toward my students’ growth. However, from my students I expect them to put in a genuine and honest effort into their work and overall progression in class. I will treat them maturely and I expect them to take ownership and responsibility for their work and role in class. In addition, I would like to see students challenge themselves and take risks in an effort to pursue new opportunities or personal goals.


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