What is a key word if not a search for a secret locked

Food chains refers to ideology of “the great chain of being”, a teleological world view concretely put forth by Aristotle. Food CHAINS, it SHACKLES us by forcing us to adhere to a food pathway, Food CHAINS, it Condemns us, the substance of a meal will create the body our minds and souls rely upon. FOOD CHAINS, it Links us like a shirt of mail, a finely woven fabric of neigh irreducible bonds. Chains in our food make our food FOOD, the molecular structure of sugars, proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids, are all Chains which our FOOD is. Chains food, change food, food pathways can only be temporary. Change food Chains, path-find food pathways.  The cosmopolitan, in its original literally cynical (dog-like) usage, is the individual truly in-touch-with food chains and food pathways, the individual who as a citizen of the world, has no home of which to call their own, the indigenous individual whos notion of home and notion of world do not need interrelation because they coincide with a word and a place. Food pathways have eliminated entire food chains, that is an uncontroversial “western” fact. We can change our food chains, by not just questioning, but outright ATTACKING AND REJECTING, adamantly REBUKING the ideology of “the great chain of being”: teleology is really very stupid. AT THE SAME TIME, teleology is extremely useful for critiquing infernal systems which plague our world, so I would encourage anyone to apply teleology and the great chain of being as an ideology against the status quo: CORVIDS and WORMS are at the top and the center respectively of an anti-being great chain (diagram pending). ANTI-DASEIN or anti-western being-in-the-world, is a radically unsettling approach to western philosophy: there is legitimate reason today to say “we as academics steeped in an essentially western ethos need to stop being where we are today, and start being how we should have been yesterday”, anti-anachronistic nostalgia. I believe food is our philosophy, even if you have never read a book or heard a lecture, every person has a distinctive philosophical way of life included in their everyday food pathway and conception of “food chains”. Now, if western consumers can acknowledge that how and what we eat is both IDEOLOGICAL and REAL, we can take responsibility as a CULTURE and enact policy that effect nuanced and hypercritical adaptations which reshape food pathways in a post liberal world that acknowledges the post scarcity of our food production. a friendly reminder that forest fragmentation is easy to visualize, and that this is one place we can begin in a Descartes meditations tabula rasa moment as a starting place for our interpretation of FOOD CHAIN and FOOD PATHWAYS. Forget everything you know about food chains and food pathways, and relearn these keywords from a perspective besides an academic one. What can a food chain even be, when the pollinators food supply (wild flowers in the forest) is nearly eradicated? Can our food pathway to salmon exist while a anthropocentric food chains run roughshod over herring roe and ocean waters?

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