This is the most abundant morphospecies in Pitilla among the Orthocladiinae clade. They are most similar to Orthocladiinae sp. [brunnipes] though it differs by having black parapods instead of brown.
Though it’s difficult to see the color difference without a microscope, they try to climb in trays or containers and go down rarely, unlike Orthocladiinae sp. [brunnipes] -and other Orthocladinae- that uses to stay underwater and hug the detritus. They also move differently. When bothered, Orthocladiinae sp. [brunnipes] usually swims with C-movements, mostly staying in the same place; while Orthocladiinae sp. [nigripes] swims with more serpent-like movements and moves forward more efficiently.
We found two cryptic with molecular species delimitation – five individuals were sequenced.
Habitat: Aquatic
Synonyms in the BWG database: Orthocladiinae sp. A1
Preserved specimens

Live individuals
Note: Last larvae instar could be confused for a different morphospecies by its red eyes and thicker body. Pupae have a jelly-like substance surrounding the body.