I must admit, my goal to create a new post each week is already fallen away – for some reason the weeks are spinning past as this time of year absorbs so much time and energy in the schools! I really understand the importance of regular journalling and so making this a habit of mine is a priority.
The use of Bates and Poole’s SECTIONS model has continued to be very useful in this course, as it was in 510- although I must say, the application of the SECTIONS is much more indepth in 565 and its value becomes more and more apparent. We found it easy to transform the components into a rubric for assessing any learning platform, but I can now see that we could use it for any technology system or application. What a difference it makes to have a framework that helps us focus on what really matters!
I just registered to attend a CASS conference – the College of Alberta School Superintendents to be held in Niagara Falls Ontario in July- so I am looking forward to spending time with educators from another province or two! The topic is 21 Century Learning and I look forward to making connections to 565 as I attend the workshops and keynotes. I look forward to sharing what I learn with my colleagues in section 66C.
After my last post I could see that I was sounding quite negative – should I call it despondent? Then I was sent a video of a very recent interview that happened and it buoyed me considerably.
A grade 8 teacher, on a whim, did a Google search on Jeff Smith – the class’s favourite author of the Bones graphic novel series. He found the name of Jeff’s publicist and emailed a request for an online interview between Jeff and the students. He agreed and a date in May was set!
Next came the technology plans – the teacher had hoped to use Adobe Connect and the school’s one and only Smartboard – after many trial runs, they found that Adobe Connect crashed over and over again (not enough bandwidth in our board). He was not discouraged and decided to try Skype – which required the actions of our tech department to change settings on the Smartboard laptop to allow the addition of Skype.
The class did online research for good interview questions and prepared for the big event. The questions were displayed on the Smartboard, as was the large Skype screen – that way, the students would not be nervous – they could just read the questions that Jeff Smith could not see. They set up their own webcam in front of a podium and placed it so that Jeff could see the whole class. Students brought in their Bones stuffed animals – Bones books – a Bones fest was happening.
When the interview began, right on time, Jeff looked very laid-back, but as the questions proceeded, he could see that this class did their homework – he commented over and over again that these were VERY good questions – he asked if this was an Arts school and the teacher replied that this was just a typical Ontario grade 8 class.
All in all, this was a fantastic experience – Jeff gave the students all kinds of advice on how to write good graphic novels and how to do the art effectively. The students are now working on their own versions. Unfortunately we can’t release the video as we had a couple of students with publication restrictions on their photos – otherwise I would share it with the world! I also have to thank our IT department who sent a technician to the school more than once to get everything set up and who stayed throughout the interview in case of glitches.
I challenge all of our teachers now to do some searching of their own classroom passions – is there someone out there that they could reach out to and do the same thing? Let’s keep the pressure on to show how incredible these opportunities can be for student learning!
Maybe it’s the time of year – nearly the end of the school year – at least we know that once the May long weekend is over, we blink our eyes and the summer break is here, but I am finding myself wondering if I am making any progress at all in moving our schools forward into the 21st century.
I’ve been collecting reports from every subject department in our secondary schools – reports that tell me what progress they feel they have made towards meeting their goals of improving student achievement. I was heartened to see back in September that many of the departments chose “increasing the use of technology in our classrooms” as a goal to engage students and meet the needs of those who learn best through the use of a variety of tools. Maybe I forget how fast the semester flies by, maybe I forget how busy a class of nearly 30 students can be…and maybe I have really forgotten how frustrated the teachers can become with technology that doesn’t cooperate or is restricted to the point that they give up. I just know that in reading their reports, we didn’t make much progress at all. Results just aren’t there.
I just know that maybe I should be satisfied with baby steps – but in reading Chickering and Ehrmann’s Seven Principles for Implementing Technology – maybe I haven’t provided the teachers with a more focused direction in setting their goals – stating that they are just going to use the Smartboard more often can’t be enough.
Back to the drawing board!
The past 10 months have been focused on a future plan for our board – the current trend has been to develop plans for the 21 Century teaching and learning and we are certainly doing our part. All kinds of research, presentation after presentation prepared, meetings after meetings held..just when you think you have the attention of the powers-at-be, who gets cut from our Central Office staff? The Integrating Technology into the Classroom consultant…How do you explain that?
So why am I spending so much time developing a plan when it is obvious we won’t have the support staff to implement all the great things we are envisioning? Almost feels like someone wants it to fail….hmmmm
In one week of introductions and discussions about our contexts applied to the NETS framework, I am noting a common thread from across the country and beyond as well – Do we really have a vision of what education should look like as we plunge head-first into technology use? I see educators who have varying technologies available – from minimum levels to sky-is-the-limit funding; from restricted access to basic applications to use-whatever-is-out-there. I see schools and districts where the expertise in technology is spotty – some teachers untrained and maybe uninterested in using the tools, to other teachers who use it in fully online courses or blended models. So student exposure to the tools and learning in a new format is hit-and-miss.
What do we do about this lack of vision? There are so many discussions in the blogging world, and in vision-setting symposia and conferences -I’ve attended my fair share, but we can’t seem to move it forward in a way that provides equal, safe opportunities to learning in a new way – and I argue, a better way. Can we move us away from the bricks and mortar model, where teachers control the students in a physical environment as the exclusive way that most of our students still learn?
I am struggling with this very monumental task myself as I try to formulate this vision of educating our students beyond the industrial age – where we are stuck! So far, my favourite framework is what I am using, but are there better visions out there? The NETS and SECTIONS models provide guidelines to remember when selecting technology and pedagogy, but we need a broader discussion about why we are doing this in the first place.
Maybe 565a will show me the way!
That’s how I feel about each new course in MET – a new adventure of learning about education and technology. I never quite know where it will take me, and sometimes I worry that I might not get through it, but in the end I am always grateful for the chance to learn so much.