Jul 08 2011

Attending CASA: 21st Century Learning

Published by at 1:53 am under Musings

Here I am at the Canadian Association of School Administrators annual conference in Niagara Falls for the sole reason that this year’s topic is 21st Century Learning. Otherwise, I would be sitting on a lounge chair in my back yard enjoying the birds chirping and the sun shining. Instead, my view out my hotel room is a huge Hershey’s Kiss ( so much for the Falls view room I booked!)
Topics today include:
Understanding the Digital Generation
Literacy is not an Option
Cultivating Creativity and Teamwork in your classrooms
Bringing 21st Century Learning from Board Vision to Classroom Practice ( I won’t miss this one!)
It’s More than Equipment that Needs to Change
Visual Learning: The Next Paradigm Shift

And that is just one day! I am here for 2 additional days filled with great topics – I don’t know how I will choose! I’ll be posting my learning here each day!

One response so far

One Response to “Attending CASA: 21st Century Learning”

  1. John P Eganon 08 Jul 2011 at 11:28 am

    Do please! Excellent!

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