Jul 10 2011

My Wiki Experience

Published by at 5:47 pm under Musings

Using the wiki in this course felt quite different than in any previous wiki activity I have encountered. But when I really think about it, any other wiki I have been involved with (usually wikispaces), there was limited collaboration, so in reality it was really just a blog. Here in 565, I felt that we were all involved, but more as parallel contributors, not so much in true collaboration. At first, we just posted our sightings as individuals albeit in many different locations! So it became interesting to see how the content seemed to move around, become more organized, all mysteriously!

I’m really not used to this anonymous tinkering with the content – Using Google docs all this time means I am used to knowing who added what by the use of comments, coloured fonts, headings with our names etc. So the mysterious revisions to our wiki was a bit spooky! How’s that for graduate-level vocabulary!

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