Week 4 – Manual Script and commentary

ETEC 540 Week 4 – Manual Scripts

Comments on the manual production of text

1. Do you normally write by hand or type? Did you find this task difficult or easy? Explain.

I normally write by typing. I found the task easy, but am not sure the results are as satisfactory as a written text note. And while writing is easy, it is not necessarily legible. My writing has long ago deteriorated into the current script form and attempts to change, ie write more legibly are often not successful.

2. What did you do when you made a mistake or wanted to change your writing? How did you edit your work? Did your choice of media play a part in how you edited your work?

To edit my work, I simply crossed the word out and continued along. I am old enough to remember writing essays in University (late 70’s early 80’s) where I typed my essays, and to edit I would type a new section and literally cut and paste in the new section.
Because of the handwritten element I did not edit as I would have had I typed the pages. In cases where I thought my wording was not quite optimum if it was satisfactory I simply carried on whereas typing I would have made a change.

The choice of media does change how I edited my work. Written in pen as compared to pencil inhibited and minimized changes I chose to make. And handwritten versus typed completely changed the editing process. Handwritten – no editing, where written – there would have been a second look at the document and editing.

3. What do you feel is the most significant difference between writing by hand and using mechanized forms of writing? Which do you prefer and why?
The most significant difference between writing by hand and using a mechanized form of writing is the formatting and the editing.

When writing by hand, once the format has commenced it is more difficult to change the look. And there is no ability to change print size. Emphasis could have been made by underlining or writing in italics – but that was not used in this exercise.

I prefer writing by a mechanical form. It allows for better editing and formatting and retention in a readable searchable system. But, for me, there are still certain documents which should be handwritten; a condolence note, a birthday card, a note of congratulations – all have, for me, more meaning when handwritten – when either sent or received.

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