An emoji story



Emoji story

Reflections on my emoji story:

I relied on symbols and ideas to try to communicate my emoji story. That was a challenge.  I used the emoji keyboard to create the emoji story but I think the limited number, style and variety of the emojis available limited my ability to convey as much information as wanted or necessary.  (Further, using the emoji keyboard did not allow editing of the story without deleting all the work to the point one might want to change.  Much like handwriting versus computer writing, the inability to edit effectively limited communication).

My emoji story started with the title.  I think that it is my rather linear way of thinking and creating that headline, to try to set up the story by telling the reader (if they understand it) the title of the media watched and commented on in the story.

I (unfortunately) did not pick the particular media watched based on how easy it would be to visualize and create using the emoji keyboard I was using.  Part-way through I did consider changing media choices so that the emoji story would be easier to create, but did not.  I thought it might be more important to just try to use what I had and be creative, if possible, to create the emoji story.

The interesting reflection for me is that telling a story with symbols rather than language is extremely difficult – to say and likely to comprehend.

Patricia McLean

Hint – Carrie.





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