Linking Week 9 – Network Assignment (Allison Rankin)

Allison Rankin

Patricia McLean:


This week I chose Allison Rankin’s Network assignment to link to my own because while Allison had, in part, a similar approach to my Network Assignment, there were some differences regarding the use of the Palladino visuals.

The similar intellectual takeaways in both Allison and my discussion on the selection of music choices is that the Palladino format gave us “a teaser” that really lead us to wanting more information.  Allison noted, as did I, that the data from the connections did not inform the reason why individuals selected a particular song, why other songs were not selected and if there what criteria one used to make their selections.  Allison asked the question (that I did not ask – but actually did in making my own selections), did the other students engage in other research to make their selections.  The interesting angle being:  do people just rely on the data they are given or do they go behind the scenes and do more research to make a decision.  An important observation – that text is not necessarily enough – more text is enough.

A significant different in Allison’s post and my own are the number of Palladino visuals posted.  In my examination of the question I tried a variety of data points and alternatives when determining what information I could devise from the app.  While Allison may have also tried a variety of Palladino visuals but only posted one.  I posted a number to demonstrate my attempts at ascertaining different data (if possible) from the app.

In terms of architecture, Allison and I both used a basic WordPress format.  It serves the task, but after having seen other student’s more interesting websites or annotated WordPress blogs, think we both could have done more.

At the beginning of my post I “fangirled” over the program.  I really loved using it (and thinking about how it might be better used with more data points to plot).  My enthusiasm came through in my post – and while Allison certainly seemed to like the program – she didn’t have the same off script comments as me.


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