Twine Task: A Version of the Little Pigs

A Version of the Little Pigs

The idea of creating an online interactive game was definitely interesting, but I was worried because I didn’t have any coding skills.  However, I found Twine surprisingly user friendly.  Every time I went back to edit my game, I felt like I learned a new feature.  Ah, if only I had a month to explore what Twine had to offer.

I wanted to create an interactive story geared towards elementary students.  I thought that this was such a fun and creative way to motivate reluctant readers and writers because I can see students thinking that this isn’t “school work” but playing on the ipad.

I like making the mind map with the arrows linking the different frames because it was a great visual to see where you can add more connections and where you can add more details to parts.  In my mind, I wanted to include some hand drawn pictures to the story.  I struggled with this part and couldn’t include the pictures I wanted (I’m definitely still at the novice level with Twine).  However, I still wanted to include visuals so I thought I would try a different approach.  I played around using letters and words as my art.

This picture was supposed to be in one of the frames in the story.

Can you guess the frame that was supposed to be this picture ?




I hope you enjoy interacting with the story !

  Twine Task – Version of the Little Pigs (2)

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