3.3 – Searching for an online Vanuatan presence…

If an island nation like Vanuatu or Kiribati are going to relocate parts of their population due to sea level rise, I would expect that there would be initiative to start to consolidate their culture and create digital tomes and communities that would serve to both preserve and expand the influence of their culture. Here is what I found:

Vanuatan Indigenous Watch – A website which is dedicated to the current affairs in the nation, and provides a window on how a future Vanuatan diaspora may communicate.

Vanuatu Cultural Centre – This site had much information about traditions, and is active in many projects. I also noticed that they are involved in a digitization of their archives.

UNESCO Project: Strengthening indigenous knowledge through schools in Vanuatu – This link to me seems like a good investigation point for how the indigenous knowledge is being transferred into

Now, is Vanuatu a nation that will need to move its population due to climate change? That remains contentious:

Climate Change Science – this shows the trends

IRD – Vanuatu Climate change – a bit more information about them

Sea level not rising in Vanuatu – the global warming policy forum

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