More on mining and indigenous peoples

I’ve been looking for new stuff that gives me a new or different perspective on this topic but it seems to be either pro-mining (from mining companies, of course) or anti-mining (from indigenous communities or environmental groups). I find it hard sometimes to find reliable sources that stay away from propaganda.

Here are my findings for Module 3.

  1. Mining, economic development and indigenous peoples: “ Getting the governance equation right ” report on a forum held at convened by Jim Cooney, ISID professor of practice in global governance. (2013)  Retrieved from

An interesting read, this report centers on the different but complementary roles, responsibilities and  practices  of indigenous  communities,  governments  and  mining  companies  in  making  and implementing decisions and in communicating and engaging with one another in the context of managing the issues associated with mining on traditional indigenous territories.

2.  Xingu – The Struggle of the People for the River (Indigenous Brazilians fight Amazon dam project)

I came across this video from 2010 that looks to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the project and hopefully stop the Belo Monte Monster Dam in the Brazilian Amazon that will affect the indigenous groups’ water supply, making fishing and hunting more difficult. The video gained international attention because Sting (the singer) joined the cause. Here is a timeline of the dam. You will find words like lawsuit, corruption, scandal.

3. What is the role of mining companies in aboriginal consultation? 

This is part of the Q&A section of the website from the Fraser Institute. This site aims to present evidence-based mining facts and information in a way that permits balanced consideration of the impacts and opportunities that come from mining. It is written for a general audience, with links to more in-depth research provided for those seeking further mining information. This particular section explains in detail the process of consultation with Aboriginal Peoples on decisions that may impact land and resources subject to aboriginal claims.

4. Indigenous People and Resistance to Mining Projects (English version)

This is an article published in Revista, Harvard Review of Latin America, about the reasons for the clash between governments (pro-mining) and indigenous communities (against mining) in Latin America, although it could be applied to countries somewhere else.

5. Amazon Tribes Use Mapping Technologies to Empower Cultural Stewardship of Ancestral Lands

I’m going slightly off-topic here but this is an interesting initiative from the Amazon Conservation Team using GPS technology to provide an Open Data Kit (ODK) app for the use with indigenous communities. As an example, they are teaching the Kogi to use a tailored ODK app to map and inventory their complex network of sacred sites, all of which carry high ecological value. Worth reading.







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