Module 2 Resources (Lindsay Spencer)

This module looks at stereotyping and how indigenous groups are “expected” to operate within a colonial setting.

Source 1: Canadian Media Colonialism and the Revitalization of Indigenous Languages

This article was interesting because it reviews how indigenous languages are in danger, noting specifically that 88 out of Canada’s 90 indigenous languages are in danger. But, this article also talks about how the media is in a position to help revitalize these languages.

Source 2: Media Smarts: Common Portrays of Aboriginal Peoples

This source is particularly helpful to classroom teachers. I have used Media Smarts before, but I have not come across this page until recently. This resource outlines descriptions and activities for students to examine how indigenous people have been portrayed throughout history and works to develop their media literacy skills to combat these stereotypes.

Source 3: University of Toronto: First Nations Representation in the Media

Again, this site is a hub for resources. On this page, teachers can access papers and Youtube videos that critically respond to how indigenous peoples have been represented in the media throughout history. In addition to using these links, the “Lessons Plans” tab is going to be useful in putting together some of my future classes!

Source 4: Diversity on TV improving but Indigenous People still “virtually invisible” study says

This is a recent article published inĀ The National Post that describes how diversity on television is improving, but that aboriginal people are still not included in attempts to be diverse. In fact, the article notes that still, the primary location for aboriginal people to be represented is the Aboriginal People’s Network- which is not accessed on a mass scale in the same way that other channels/sources are.

Source 5: First Nationals Technology Council

This site describes a project that is geared towards including indigenous people in conversations concerning technology at the local and national level. The offer workshops and training sessions for students to assist in the development of their skills regarding technology.

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