Author Archives: RevathySelvaduraiFisher

Module 4.2


cultural diversity and innovation

This paper highlights the talks of various members of a panel discussion.  Although they are all on different topics, all the panelists share the theme of cultural preservation of indigenous people through the use of technology. I included this extract more out of my own interest than anything else, as it highlights some of the amazing work being done in Asia.

Module 4.1

Cross-cultural awareness in game-based learning using a TPACK approach

cross cultural awareness in game based learning 

The article discusses the importance of using culturally sensitive platforms in game based learning that will appeal to indigenous cultures while averting stereotyping and other harmful misrepresentations that are often found in online games. By engaging in the learning process the VLE(Virtual Learning Environment) becomes a place where students engage with the content and retain more information. This article discusses different platforms around the world and the TPAC (technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework’s role in helping to create more accessible VLE environments.



Module 3.5

New interaction Tools for Preserving an Old Language

new interactions tools for preserving an old language

The Penan in the village of Long Lamai have been settled since the 1950’s. It is one of the most successful tribal communities who have been able integrate with the demands of globalization while retaining their own cultural traditions. The article explores how the community wes involved in Participatory Action Research in order to help to transfer the jungle sign language Oroo’ in to an app that could be utilized for teaching and sharing of information between elders and youth. The article does in to an in-depth description of how the tangibles (manipulation of digital objects) was developed by the community in order to be used for software applications.

Module 3.4

Tools and Strategies for Managing Penans’ Indigenous Botanical Knowledge

tools and strategies for managing Penans indegenous botanical knowledge

The short paper talks about the Etoro project that is based on the tradition of toro where a youngster goes on a quest or journey with an elder in order to learn about the jungle (which is integral to their life). It is a knowledge sharing and mentoring journey in which younger Penan are initiated in to adulthood. With the disappearance of the jungle and a movement from nomadic to settled existence the Etoro was designed to simulate the journey for youngsters in order to keep the tradition alive while still passing on knowledge to the younger generation and grooming them to become the knowledge repositories of the future and thus the “future guardians of the rainforest”.

Module 3.3

Penan’s Oroo’ Short Message Signs (PO-SMS): co-Design of a Digital Jungle Sign Language Application

penan oroo short sign

This excellent article introduces how the Participatory Action Research Methodology Augmentation (PRISMA) and IKM are merging in order to create an SMS sign language of the Oroo’ jungle language. The article explains the improvement of the digital sign language from previous efforts of compiling a database. The improvement focusses on daily use of the sign language through SMS apps that can be used by Penan tribal members of the younger generation. In doing so, they will keep the language alive and revitalize interest in a language that is close to being lost- along with the jungle in which it has traditionally been used.

Module 3.2

Participatory Action Research in Software Development: Indigenous Knowledge Management Systems Case Study

PRISMA (participatoy Action Research in Software Methodology Augmentation) amalgamates participatory action research with and IKM (Indigenous Knowledge Management) approach. This case study looks at the development of E-Toro – a management system for the Penan who live in a remote community in Malaysia, Borneo. The purpose is to explore the benefits and barriers for rural ICT usage.

Module 3.1


Indigenous Knowledge governance in to ICT-based Indigenous Knowledge Management System

IKM (Indegenous Knowledge Management) introduces an indigenous governance framework to ICT based management systems. It contextualizes and models a holistic approach to technological design and approaches.