Tag Archives: Cisco

Module 2 Post 4: Cisco’s Networking Academy

As part of federal initiative First Nation SchoolNet,  regional management organizations have been delivering information, technology services and connectivity support to federally funded First Nation schools (Whiteduck, 2013).  In BC, the First Nation Education Steering Committee (FNESC) has acted as the regional management organization.  Other regional management organizations throughout the country have partnered with Cisco’s Networking Academy training program to bring IT educational opportunities to remote First Nations communities. The resource materials have been tailored to First Nations and are delivered via blended approaches by First Nation instructors. Upon completion of the program, many graduates continue on to serve their rural communities’ connectivity and ICT needs.


First Nation Education Steering Committee. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.fnesc.ca/

Cisco’s Networking Academy. (2015). Retrieved from https://www.netacad.com/

Whiteduck, T. (2013). First Nations SchoolNet and the migration of broadband and community-based ICT applications. Retrieved from http://apr.thompsonbooks.com/vols/APR_Vol_6Ch7.pdf