Tag Archives: digital literacy

Building on literacy

Here are my first 5 websites/resources all with a focus on literacy, literature and storytelling with a digital lens:)




This website was created as a resource highlighting the history of storytelling and how using digital stories can bring storytelling into the digital age. Storytelling has always been a means to pass knowledge and teaching to the younger generation in Indigenous communities.

With the release of the findings and recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015, these teachings are even more important to preservice Indigenous cultures in Canada to teach youth about ethics, concepts and practices found within each nation.


http://canlitforlittlecanadians.blogspot.ca/2014/06/aboriginal-perspectives-in-youngcanlit.html screen-shot-2016-09-24-at-5-44-10-pm

Although this website celebrates many different books by Canadian authors, this link is directly to a celebration of literacy through picture books honoring the heritage, achievements and cultures of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. It was created to celebrate National Aboriginal History month.




This is the website for Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. Here we can find many classroom activities for young children to reinforce the culture of Indigenous groups in Canada in public school classrooms. With an emphasis on storytelling, the 6 major regions of First Nations in Canada are represented. Audio clips of First Nation legends are available for the teacher to use in her learning environment.




The annotated listings provided in this guide identify currently available authentic First Peoples texts that students can work with to meet provincial standards related to literacy as well as a variety of specific subject areas.

The guide is intended to help BC educators introduce resources that reflect First Peoples knowledge and perspectives into classrooms in respective ways. The inclusion of authentic First Peoples content into classrooms supports all students in developing an understanding of the significant place of First Peoples within the historical and contemporary fabric of this province and provides culturally relevant materials for Indigenous learners in British Columbia.



This resource examines the importance of Storytelling as the foundation for literacy development for Aboriginal children. There is substantial evidence that Aboriginal youth face serious challenges in schooling, in general, and in literacy development, specifically. Thus, it is essential to design early literacy programs that engage Aboriginal children and produce positive outcomes. In this article, the authors propose that such programs include oral storytelling by teachers and students because it is a precursor to reading and writing across cultures and a traditional Aboriginal teaching tool. Links   to research could support an exploration of literacy development in the Aboriginal population.



MEDIASMARTS : Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy

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This site is a great resource for teachers wishing to impart to their native students the importance in understanding the digital world as it relates to them.  This site “hones in on many issues that are specific or unique to Aboriginal people in Canada, including the under-reporting of crimes against Aboriginal people by news media and the unique challenges faced by Aboriginal people seeking to produce content for their own communities.”  It also provides teachers with content and lesson plans that relate to the experiences and perspective of today’s native youth.  On lesson title “Who is telling my story” focuses on how minority cultures have been portrayed in the media.


“They consider the key media literacy concepts that “audiences negotiate

meaning” and “media contain ideological and value messages and have

social implications” in discussing how different kinds of representation have

become unacceptable and how those kinds of representations were tied to stereotypes. Finally, students discuss current examples of majority-group

actors playing minority-group characters and write and comment on blogs in

which they consider the issues raised in the lesson.
I found this site to be a wealth of information that any teacher would benefit from exploring and using in their own teaching.