Tag Archives: equal rights

Module 4: Post #1- Organizations Working Towards Human Rights

It is encouraging and exciting to learn about different organizations involved in teaching different aspects of Indigenous culture and history and working towards making a difference in terms of education, empathy and understanding. Most importantly, Indigenous people are involved and active in these organizations.

Here is a list of some organizations that seem to be helping to make a difference.

http://www.fncaringsociety.com/ The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society

  • information on how to get involved in your community and make a difference for equal opportunities to succeed

http://projectofheart.ca/teacher-guideslesson-plans/– Lesson plans created by FNCFCS to teach about social justice issues  

http://projectofheart.ca/Project of Heart

  • created by Sylvia Smith to commemorate the Indigenous children who died in residential schools and to find ways to take action and form relationships between Indigenous and non Indigenous people.

http://projectofheart.ca/history/ Teaches empathy through history

http://www.kairoscanada.org/ KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives (unites eleven churches and religious organizations)

  • pursues ecological justice and equal rights

http://www.kairoscanada.org/dignity-rights/indigenous-rights/blanket-exercise/Kairos Blanket Exercise

  • A simulation exploring relationships between Indigenous and non- Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Participants role play First nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples with blankets representing land to understand the impact of land colonization

** It is recommended that the The Blanket Exercise should always be followed by a talking circle and to be aware that it will likely raise deep emotions. Local First Nations, Métis or Inuit individuals or representatives should be invited to the workshop to honour the traditional territory, to teach, and to begin to build a relationship. (http://sttpcanada.ctf-fce.ca/lessons/wilton-littlechild/activities/)

http://www.legacyofhope.ca/ Legacy of Hope Foundation

  • raises Awareness of the Legacy of Residential Schools and the impacts on First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples