Tag Archives: ethnobotany

Dr. Nancy Turner

Dr. Nancy Turner is a distinguished professor at UVic and the Hakai Chair of Ethnoecology.

I had the good fortune almost 20 years ago to attend Dr. Turner’s environmental studies course on ethnobotany, the study of plants in the traditional contexts of the people who use them.

When we attended traditional activities like a beach pit cooking it was possibly my first (non museum) introduction to living, breathing First Nations culture. We made many things with our hands in her class, like pine needle baskets. But this was not your stereotypical basket weaving course, the kind you’d sign up for to pad your course load.

This is a woman who has dedicated her life’s work to understanding and championing Traditional Ecological Knowledge. This is her personal website.


Module 1 post 3

Module 2, Post 4 – Enthobotany


I was very interested in the Nancy Turner video. I was not too aware of the field of ethnobotany before but it sounds fascinating.

This document is a catalogue of plants native to the prairies. It describes the plants and also explains how the First Nations traditionally used them.

This website talks about a project at the Montreal Biodome where the “living landscape” of the 11 First Nations groups of Quebec. It is part educational in nature and part research with scientists looking at traditional remedies for health problems.
