Tag Archives: Indigenous Voice

Indigenous Voices

The following look into the preservation of Indigenous Voice.
Alberta Learning Languages Initiative; “Ensuring Language Learning Opportunities for Indigenous Children” (University of Alberta, 2004) with a follow-up colloquium called “Working Together to Support Indigenous Language Education” (University of Alberta 2005)
First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation of British Columbia (FPCF): First Voices project, 2004
Foley, J. M. (2012). Oral Tradition and the Internet: Pathways of the Mind. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Library and Archives Canada. (2009).Our Voices, Our Stories: First Nations, Métis and Inuit Stories. https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/stories/index-e.html
Paul, E., Johnson, H., & Raibmon, P. (2014). Written As I Remember It: Teachings ([glottal Stop][schwa]ms Ta[glottal Stop]aw) From the Life of a Sliammon Elder. Vancouver [British Columbia]: UBC Press.
University of California, Los Angeles (2000) Heritage Language Research Priorities Conference
Voices of Our Elders. (cover story). (2015). News from Native California, 28(3), 14.