Tag Archives: lost culture

Vanishing Cultures Project

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The Vanishing Cultures Project (VCP) partners with worldwide indigenous groups in an attempt to safeguard cultural values and practices.  They aim to collaborate in order to document lifestyles and traditions; creating a digital archive. I find this a very important issue due to the rapid globalization and loss of traditional knowledge, however I wonder what the best way is to compact that massive loss, and if this is a positive alternative?

The VCP has 4 main functions:

  1. Documentation of an indigenous community facing great change.
  2. Education to raise awareness about the struggles, issues, and customs of indigenous peoples.
  3. Advocacy for global diversity and Indigenous rights.
  4. Fundraising after each documentary after which profits are donated directly back to the indigenous community to help fund grassroots cultural initiatives.

To find out more:


 Module 1, Post 5