Tag Archives: Manitoba

Entry #18: Thunder Radio


Thunder Radio is an online podcast channel of the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre that is focused on First Nations education in Manitoba and in Canada as a whole.  There are currently 16 episodes on the online channel, covering topics including Indigenous Literature, Indigenous Knowledge, and Virtual Learning on Reserves.  This resource provides glimpses into current topics in Indigenous education through the eyes of Indigenous educators, students, and other contributors.  The list of official podcast followers is online, so there is also the potential for listeners to connect with one another across communities.  This oral medium is important for stimulating discussion regardless of time and place, enabling listeners to engage with the information as if they were being told a story or conversing with someone right in front of them.

2.2: ACI Manitoba’s Indigenous Programs

Website: ACI Manitoba’s Indigenous Programs

ACI Manitoba is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting arts and culture in Manitoba. ACI places a special emphasis on indigenous programming, and offers a variety of workshops, courses, and seminars related to indigenous art and storytelling. The website also includes valuable resources for young indigenous artists. One resource that I found particularly useful was a Grant Writing Toolkit . The site also includes links to a plethora of Manitoban and Canadian organizations that can provide support to indigenous artists. 

Module 4 – Post 1: Integrating Aboriginal Perspectives into Curricula

A Resource for Curriculum Developers, Teachers and Administrators

In searching for ways to integrate Aboriginal perspectives in the existing curricula for my project, I happened to stumble upon this excellent resource. The goal of the document is to assist Manitoba’s curriculum developers and instructors in incorporating Aboriginal perspectives, cultural components, historical contributions and achievements in the classroom.

What I liked most about this article is that it touches on many topics such as residential schools, traditional ways of learning (oral tradition, spirituality, Medicine Wheel, and Elders), and ways to include traditional ways of knowing in the current curricula. In addition, it provides an extensive list of learning outcomes for multiple subjects for the different age groups as well as examples of how Aboriginal perspectives have been integrated in schools. One of the examples demonstrates multimedia was used as a means to bring awareness to Type II diabetes in Aboriginal peoples. Finally, the document presents a historical timeline of significant events for the Aboriginal peoples of Manitoba