Tag Archives: Metis

Edmonton Public School Board – FNMI Education


Having completed my B Ed at the University of Alberta, I was quite aware that the Edmonton Pubic School Board (EPSB) had a large program in place to reach the Aboriginal student, family and community as well as the educators of Aboriginal students.  The resources within this website are plentiful.  Documents for First Nations, Metis and Inuit families to maneuver the educational system, documents to guide young adults in future career pathways, Cree language resources (as many schools K-12 provide Cree as an option for students), family resources for health and well-being.  This all-encompassing website replicates the values of the First Nations people as it does not solely deal with education, rather the development of the whole person (and those who support the student).  This website is not only useful for those teachers who have First Nations, Metis or Inuit students but it provides an example of how educational boards are reaching out to meet the needs of all learners.  From an Aboriginal perspective, I feel this could be seen as a form of media outreach to showcase the efforts of the school board to connect with the Indigenous communities.

To access this website, go to: https://sites.google.com/a/epsb.ca/fnmi-education/home

Ronaye Kooperberg (Module 3 – Post 4)

Statistics Canada – Aboriginal Youth Data

Stats Can

The Statistics Canada (Stats Can) website is useful for anyone gathering statistical data for their research project.  Although this data was generated in 2011 from the National Household Survey, it is still relevant and accurate (as we all know Stats Can generates quality data).  This data is separated into three categories, Aboriginal (First Nations people), Metis, as well as Inuit (which would be useful for narrowing your research).  Interestingly, Stats Can indicates that the information compiled is incomplete as some groups did not participate in this survey or the survey was incomplete due to natural disasters such as forest fires.  So while the information gathered is quality data, it may not reveal the entire aboriginal community experience in Canada.

To access this website, go to: http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/nhs-enm/2011/as-sa/99-011-x/99-011-x2011001-eng.cfm#a9

Ronaye Kooperberg (Module 3 – Post 1)

Inspiring Success: Building Towards Student Achievement


The purpose of this policy framework guide is to build capacity and achieve change within the education system by way of  goals and strategies that will support achievement for all learners. This document is put out by the Saskatchewan government to address the educational needs of the First Nations and Metis population.  The goal is to work with First Nations people to create a platform that all students can be successful.  It is the government’s goal to re frame education  in the 21st century where all students feel their needs are reflected.  This policy addresses many of the historical issues in Saskatchewan as well as the economic, demographic and moral issues.

Module 2 post 3

Aboriginal Perspectives

Module 2 – Post 4

The diversity and richness of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples present challenges and opportunities for teachers since educators are required to include Aboriginal perspectives in their lessons. There are currently over 600 recognized First Nations governments or bands in Canada and the First Nations, Inuit and the Metis constitute Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. This Aboriginal Perspectives website contains information that will will teachers in including the different perspectives in their lessons.

The following is an excerpt from their website:


  • “We have used video material featuring Aboriginal people and cultural activities as a base for constructing teaching resources and we invite teachers to use these resources. We also encourage teachers to use this video material to construct their own lessons.
  • We have conducted workshops with teachers from grades 3 to 6 to help them include an Aboriginal perspective in their mathematics lessons. On this web site are the lessons, background material on the Aboriginal themes for the lessons, and a description of the material in the kits that the teachers received at the workshops.
  • Included is a collection of Aboriginal games which provide a rich source of material for the construction of lessons.”




The author of this website, âpihtawikosisân, is Métis from the Plains Cree speaking community of Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. The site contains posts explaining how cultural appropriation affects indigenous peoples, such as An Open Letter to Non-Natives in Headdresses. The online learning resources http://apihtawikosisan.com/aboriginal-issue-primers/legal-links/  also look promising.

Module 4: Post #1- Organizations Working Towards Human Rights

It is encouraging and exciting to learn about different organizations involved in teaching different aspects of Indigenous culture and history and working towards making a difference in terms of education, empathy and understanding. Most importantly, Indigenous people are involved and active in these organizations.

Here is a list of some organizations that seem to be helping to make a difference.

http://www.fncaringsociety.com/ The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society

  • information on how to get involved in your community and make a difference for equal opportunities to succeed

http://projectofheart.ca/teacher-guideslesson-plans/– Lesson plans created by FNCFCS to teach about social justice issues  

http://projectofheart.ca/Project of Heart

  • created by Sylvia Smith to commemorate the Indigenous children who died in residential schools and to find ways to take action and form relationships between Indigenous and non Indigenous people.

http://projectofheart.ca/history/ Teaches empathy through history

http://www.kairoscanada.org/ KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives (unites eleven churches and religious organizations)

  • pursues ecological justice and equal rights

http://www.kairoscanada.org/dignity-rights/indigenous-rights/blanket-exercise/Kairos Blanket Exercise

  • A simulation exploring relationships between Indigenous and non- Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Participants role play First nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples with blankets representing land to understand the impact of land colonization

** It is recommended that the The Blanket Exercise should always be followed by a talking circle and to be aware that it will likely raise deep emotions. Local First Nations, Métis or Inuit individuals or representatives should be invited to the workshop to honour the traditional territory, to teach, and to begin to build a relationship. (http://sttpcanada.ctf-fce.ca/lessons/wilton-littlechild/activities/)

http://www.legacyofhope.ca/ Legacy of Hope Foundation

  • raises Awareness of the Legacy of Residential Schools and the impacts on First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples

Module 1 Post 4 – The Aboriginal Head Start Association of British Columbia

This incorporated, nonprofit association was mentioned in an article so I decided to look into it further. The Head Start program is designed for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit families across Canada to offer children an Early Childhood Education with an emphasis on culture and language, school readiness, health promotion, social support, nutrition, and parent and family involvement.

Link: http://www.ahsabc.com/