Author Archives: julioviskovich

Blogs Removed From Grade Distribution

Greetings all! I just wanted to make a formal announcement that we have dropped the blogs from the grading scheme in order to put time focus on the client project.   This week and next are essential as in week 6 we have no formal class and you are expected to set up a presentation for your client sometime in week 6 and before you submit your reflective learning paper. Here’s how the grading scheme is being distributed:


  • 20% article/book report or interview (individual);
  • 20% in class participation;
  • 30% project (team) content
  • 30% reflective learning paper (individual) following client presentation

Class 4 Prep

B2B vs B2C Marketing – What are the differences?

Learning Points:

  • Discussion on marketplace news
  • Corporate blogs, white papers and inbound marketing
  • B2B  vs. B2C: similarities and differences
    • Linked In vs other channels
  • E-mail marketing
  • Online video
  • Assessing new platforms and tools
  • Choosing the appropriate combination of tools
  • Integrating online and offline

Prep Questions:

What content and offers will engage different audiences types?

What are different ways you’ve seen businesses listen and to customer needs?

Personal Development Homework (not graded):

Google Analytics Free Certification 

Crash Course in Inbound Marketing by HubSpot


Class 3 Prep & Client Project Resource Heaven

Readings & Resources:

Pay special attention to your specific portion for the client project.

Email Marketing / Mail Chimp:

A/B or Split Testing Using Mail Chimp

Video resources on how to use Mail Chimp


The Importance of A/B Testing Your AdWords

The Practical Science of A/B Testing your AdWords

10 Tips For A Successful AdWords Campaign

PPC AdWords Cheat Sheet

Social Media Analytics  

10 Social Analytics tools

A/B Testing Your Facebook and Social Posts

Google Analytics

An overview on ROI and metrics in digital: Jeremiah Owyang

Linking objectives to measurement: Avinash Kaushik

SMART objective setting applied to digital marketing: Dave Chaffey

Linking objectives to measurement

An easy way to measure social with google analytics –


How to schedule messages and save time with HootSuite

HootSuite University


Assignment 1: Reflective Paper

  • Article/book/interview report: (due at the start of class 3, posted to personal blog and submitted by e-mail as a link. Guideline length of 1000 words plus appendices. (This is not a strict maximum but you should discipline yourself to stay close to this length – it will increase the likelihood of it being read, especially in your blog.) Provide a synopsis and implications that will be interesting and useful for an audience of professional marketers. A good review cannot simply précis the content but needs to also provide a critique in the context of other prior work in same area. Ask yourself some questions, such as is this really new or simply a collection of old ideas that have been recast? Is the evidence robust and compelling? What are the implications for marketers? If you choose to undertake an interview, then select someone in industry who is active in eMarketing and set up to ask questions that you think will reveal interesting answers. Your write-up should distil the useful implications.

o      If you want to cover a topic from multiple sources, or review a blog, podcast or other form of e-marketing info, then this is possible, via written pre-approval from the Instructor. Please take good care to explicitly cite any material drawn from other reviewers. It is reasonable for you to draw on the work of other reviewers, but to add value and provide something new and useful you will need to reference others in a limited and selective way so that your own views come through. Please reference carefully – I reserve the option to process these through Turn-it-in after submission.

Project Breakdown

Here is a breakdown of the activities for the group project:



Single-spaced, hard copy PROPOSAL(150-200 words) to briefly, but specifically, summarize the primary strategies to be used to drive traffic to your client’s site. You should make a hypothesis on the success of the campaign.

Optimize your campaign during the campaign window via sufficient ad testing, keyword modification, changing of bids, etc. using Google AdWords. You need to be optimizing as much as possible and screen shots and changes to CTRs and CPCs should be presented.Note:  Overall optimization efforts is assessed via the information presented in your campaign summary write-up and the evidence of frequent optimization. Daily optimization will score higher than less frequent evidence of optimization.

150-200 words – in bullet form to support your screen shots.


  • Compare results against your hypothesis
  • Discuss the optimization process
  • What did you learn
  • Recommendations for your client going forward

Hint: Single-space write up (350-500 words) outlining the above information.

Key Metrics you should take into account Clicks, Impressions. CTR, Avg. CPC




Single-spaced, hard copy PROPOSAL (150-200 words) to briefly, but specifically, summarize the primary strategies to be used to collect email addresses for your email marketing campaign. You should make a hypothesis on the success of the campaign. Questions to consider: How do you propose to grow or create your clients email opt-in list?  Will it be via a subscribe widget on the website, do they have a big enough social presence to? How are their competitors collecting info?

Optimize your campaign during the campaign window via sufficient testing of email subject lines, offers, marketing matierials, etc. Test 2 different emails on your test group and discuss results, clickthrough, opens, etc. You should show evidence of at least 2 different emails in your test group and discuss results.

150-200 words – in bullet form to support your screen shots.


  • Compare results against your hypothesis
  • Discuss the optimization process
  • What did you learn?
  • Recommendations for your client going forward? How will they improve or manage their email marketing strategy for better results?

 Hint: Single-space write up (350-400 words) outlining the above information.



5 Pts

Write a 150-200 word proposal addressing the below:

  • How do your content plans relate to specific marketing objectives?
  • Which audiences and themes have you chosen?
  • What will you create, curate (re-purposing and making use of existing content in the online community) and stimulate (activate user generated content)?
  • Which platforms and tools will you use/not use?
  • Why do they occur at a particular time in the year/month/week?

5 Pts

 Show evidence of testing some elements of your content calendar. This might be a blog or Facebook post.

  • Provide screenshots of 3 different types of content that you have created and deployed for your client.
  • Write up to half a page per example on what you set out to do and what happened (engagement in likes, comments, shares, etc – look at assessing quantity and quality), and your learning.

5 Pts

  •  Highlight the connections between the content calendar and the other initiatives in the digital plan.
  • Recommendations for your client going forward with respect to content creation, curation and stimulation of user generated content?
  • Length of this section: maximum two pages.



Single-spaced, hard copy PROPOSAL (150-200 words) to briefly, but specifically, summarize the primary elements you intend to measure. Understanding your clients business and will give you the ability to identify which goals are most important to them. You should make a hypothesis on the success of the campaign. Questions to consider: How will social drive website traffic? How will you identify which channels drove traffic to the web property?

Optimize your campaign during the campaign window via consistent monitoring of analytics. You should provide screenshots for the Google Analytics dashboard and reports you’ve built out. Your snapshots should show peaks and valleys that can be attributed to your marketing activities with annotations. Here are a few reports you might consider implementing –> words – in bullet form to support your screen shots.

  • Compare results against your hypothesis
  • What did you learn?
  • Recommendations for your client going forward?
  • What were the most fruitful channels that drove traffic to the website.
  • How will they improve or manage their marketing strategy for better website activity and results?

 Hint: Single-space write up (350-400 words) outlining the above information.



Single-spaced, hard copy PROPOSAL (150-200 words) to briefly, but specifically, summarize the primary elements.Questions to consider: Why did you choose specific days and times you will schedule your messages for? What tools helped you determine best times to post?

Schedule your campaign (social messages) during the campaign window via HootSuite and show your evidence by including screen shots of the month and list view of your scheduled messages in the HootSuite Publisher calendar. This must also so evidence of shortened links being used, hashtags when necessary on Twitter, and evidence of posting best practices such as images and calls to action. Annotated descriptions of your best practices will contribute as well.

 150-200 words – in bullet form to support your screen shots.


  • Your conclusion and recommendations must suggest to the client which elements they should continue, build on or stop. Based on your postings, were there particular topics, social networks, times, or days that performed well or poor? Here you may draw on the click stats as a point of reference. Based on your data, what would you stop, start, and continue?
  • Hint: Single-space write up (350-400 words) outlining the above information.




Single-spaced, hard copy PROPOSAL (150-200 words) to briefly, but specifically, summarize the primary elements of what you intend to measure. How do you intend to measure your social activities. You will need to draw parallels of how this will tie to business goals. Questions to consider: Are the goals of the campaign awareness? Engagement? What type of network growth do you expect to see over the campaign period?

Build out a report using HootSuite’s Report Builder to measure your social media activities throughout the campaign window. You will have a number of free modules you can use and have up to 50 points to use to create your report in the report builder.  Take screen shots of the live modules and annotate key items and elements you’ve identified as contributing to your goals and that show important results worthwhile of highlighting to your client. 

  • 150-200 words – in bullet form to support your screen shots.

Your conclusion and recommendations must present the results of the campaign. What increased or decreased? How did the reach, engagement and amplification of your key messages do? What types of messages do you suggest using for each network? What days and times do you suggest posting to the different channels based on your results?

  • Single-space write up (350-400 words) outlining the above information.


Class 2 Prep

Class 2 Agenda

Take some time and fill out the short survey: 

  • Discussion on marketplace news
  • Usability and design: website audits
  • The customer experience
  • Learning from good and bad practice
  • Decision journeys and purchase funnels marketing into a single program
  • Group work in-class
  • No Formal pre-class readings today


Due Today:

During group work you will be expected to submit an informal project outline of who is doing what and a list of deliverables with accompanying dates of execution.

Welcome to BAMA 513

Hello class welcome to BAMA 513. We are together for spurts and only for 5 classes + a client presentation. We will move fast and attendance will be mandatory. One class is missing 20% of the entire course. It is designs to blend strategy with practice and allow you to gain valuable experience implementing your client projects. Let’s have some fun!

Preparation for class is found in the class prep section.

Please fill out this form so your HootSuite accounts can get activated.

The course syllabus can be found here BAMA513e 2014.

An example of a marketing plan template that could be followed for the client project is here.