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Exam Period Office Hours

As of the end of classes (Friday, 01 December), regularly-scheduled office hours ended; instead, your lovely TAs will be holding help sessions on a different schedule up until the day of the final exam. See below for this schedule. (Note that we may have updates adding or extending hours but, except for emergencies, we don’t expect to reduce or cuthours.)

  • Tue 5 Dec 1PM-3PM in ICCSX151 (Jose)
  • Wed 6 Dec 9:00-11:00AM in ICCSX237 (Setareh)
  • Wed 6 Dec 2PM-4PM in ICCS X153 (Paul)
  • Thu 7 Dec 12PM-2PM in ICCS233 (Cinda)
  • Thu 7 Dec 2PM-4PM in ICCSX141 (Adrian)
  • Fri 8 Dec 11AM-1PM in ICCS233 (Cinda)
  • Fri 8 Dec 1PM-3PM in FSC 1005 (review session w/Susanne, Adrian, Brad, Jose)
  • Fri 8 Dec 3-5PM in ICCS X141 (Farzad)
  • Sun 10 Dec 2PM-4PM in ICCS X139 (Ali)
  • Mon 11 Dec 11AM-2PM in ICCS 238 (Steve, in a larger room than his office)
  • Tue 12 Dec 10AM-12PM in ICCS 202 (Steve, in a larger room than his office)

Welcome to CPSC 320!

Welcome to the website for CPSC 320 in 2017 Winter Term 1 (Sep-Dec 2017). We’re getting set up right now. Expect more as the term approaches. Looking forward to seeing you in September!!

In the meantime, please set up your e-mail account, which you’ll need almost immediately for GradeScope submission of assignments and return of quizzes, assignments, and exams!