Project Progress 3 Project Requirements: Must be completed with your group before Workshop 4. * Begin to add Redux to your app. Think of the main type of data you will be storing (e.g. list of recipes, list of songs) and think about how you would like this data to be “connected” to your components. * Put some default data for your “main” data in your reducer(s). (Later it will be stored in the DB.) * Connect the default data to at least one component in order to display it. Note: You have probably already made some components from the previous project work, so now just make sure at least one of them is rendering based on what is in your store. * Create a minimum of 3 actions that manipulate your store (e.g. adding a message, deleting a message, etc.) * Finally, be able to demonstrate that you have made progress toward completing more of your minimal goals! Note: You may certainly borrow code from your assignment, but make sure you’re showing us new code that you’ve written specifically for your project! Remember: These requirements are very minimal and are here to make sure that you are making forward progress on the project. We encourage you to make progress beyond the requirements in order to create an awesome project! How to hand in: When you are ready, create a branch titled “project_3”. Do not push to this branch after 10am on June 20th.