Project Progress Project Requirements: Must be completed with your group before workshop 5. * Use collections to store your data in MongoDB. (Choose some important piece of data that is central to your app.) In the long run, all of your persistent data should eventually be stored in the DB. * Set up Node and Express to connect your React+Redux frontend with your Mongo DB * Ensure that you are now retrieving your data from the database to display in your React components (at least one API) * Ensure that you have a type of input or form element that sends data to the database (at least one API) * Implement EITHER update or delete (or both!) for your data in the database. * *IMPORTANT* Take a look at your goals and regroup them into achievable tasks. Spend some time planning out the work you will do for the remainder of the course! * Finally, be able to demonstrate that you have made progress toward completing more of your minimal + standard goals! Remember: These requirements are very minimal and are here to make sure that you are making forward progress on the project. We encourage you to make progress beyond the requirements in order to create an awesome project! How to hand in: When you are ready, create a branch titled “project_4”. Do not push to this branch after the due date: 10am on July 11th.