Project Progress 5 Advice: Spend some time ASAP with your group deciding what functionality/goals you plan to complete over the last 4 weeks. Divide the goals into bite-sized chunks, and make concrete plans to incrementally tackle each part. Start thinking about wrapping the major functionality of your app. Project Requirements: Must be completed with your group before workshop 6. * Deploy your project! Course staff are familiar with Heroku, but you may host it elsewhere if you wish. * Attempt to complete ALL of your remaining standard goals. If you cannot finish some of the goals by the next workshop, explain why they are not achievable, or give your plan for completing them. * Write a quick, 2-sentence high-level description of your project for someone who has never seen your project before, and put it at the top of your README. This will go to the industry guests, so please make sure that it is suitable for posting publicly. * Read through the final project rubric (we will notify on Slack when it is posted!) and ensure that you are currently meeting all the requirements (or plan to work on them soon) Remember: These requirements are very minimal and are here to make sure that you are making forward progress on the project. We encourage you to make progress beyond the requirements in order to create an awesome project! How to hand in: When you are ready, create a branch titled “project_5”. Do not push to this branch after the due date: 10am on July 25th.