What Are The Benefits of Short Brain Breaks Throughout The Day?


My education inquiry surrounds classroom engagement in the form of short daily breaks throughout the day. I borrowed the term “brain breaks” that I have heard referred to from various sources; I felt that this was the best way to describe these breaks. I was curious about this topic because as a student teacher I found that I benefitted from short breaks in between homework sessions. I also strongly believe that brain breaks will not only benefit my students but also me as a teacher. Throughout my research I found that brain breaks can take on different forms pertaining to the mood of the class; for instance, if I notice that my class is over stimulated I can do a short breathing activity to attempt to get them to settle and if my class is tired and not engaged I can get them perked up with a short physical break. I really feel that these activities will help with a multitude of issues with retention and classroom management.

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