As part of her Creative Project for English 203, Meghan created a website entitled “You Are Not Alone.” In Meghan’s own words:
Eating disorders are mental and physical health problems that have existed throughout
history. These mental illnesses are extremely harmful and are “associated with high morbidity
and mortality” (Fitzsimmons-Craft et al., 2019, p. 1681), however, they are rarely discussed. In
recent years there have been more resources made available for those struggling with eating
disorders, however, more must be done. More than 80% of people with eating disorders are
never diagnosed (Fitzsimmons-Craft et. al. 2019), which means they are not receiving the
treatment necessary for healing. This is why I created the website and blog You Are Not Alone for
adolescent and young adult women. Although eating disorders can impact people of all ages and
genders I chose to focus on one demographic. My website combines the educational aspect of the
National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) and National Eating Disorder Information Center
(NEDIC) with the community portion of social media platforms.
You can access Meghan’s site here: