Home » Mentor Expectations

Mentor Expectations

The Creative Science program will run for one school term, beginning in mid-February, ending at Easter. The time commitment to be a mentor is no more than 2 hours per week.

Once you sign up, we have the following requirements:


1 – Registration and providing a biography:

On signing up, you will be asked to register on the CurioCity website (the platform where online mentoring will take place), and provide a short biography for the site.


2 – Checking in online and answering students questions:

Once you are registered, you will be assigned a mentoring group, consisting of one or more High School students, and an arts and a science mentor. You will be required to check in online with your mentee(s) regularly, throughout the duration of the project (which will last roughly one school term).

If a question has been posed by a student in your group, please answer it to the best of your ability, within 24 hours. Other general questions will be posted in subject-related discussion groups; please check in there as well and answer any questions you can!


3 – Attending at least one in-person meeting:

You will be invited to attend an introductory event at which the High School students will be introduced to the Creative Science program, including the mentors, to be held at UBC or the High School. You will be expected to attend a showcase event at the end of the project, where students display their finished creations; this event will be organised at a time that does not clash with classes.


The rest of the time, mentoring will take place from your computer or mobile device,

i.e. Anywhere!


Curious? Hear what our previous mentors have to say about their experience in this program.


Already interested in joining us this term? Sign up as a mentor today!



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