Cristine Li

Be a intelligent customer (Comment on external blog post)

November 19th, 2012 · No Comments


The big discount sale day, “Black Friday”, is coming in two weeks. Same as other big sale days, crazy shoppers will line up in advance in front of the stores or malls for buying much cheaper things quicker than other people.

Most of the shoppers think they will lose money if they do not line up and buy those “cheaper things”, and that is exactly what the sellers want them to think about. And actually the fact is most of the items they buy are not necessary and waste money. Same as we talked in one of the Comm 101 classes, shoppers can save money if they simply do not buy the items they do not need.

As Panos says in his blog post, customers are emotional, or being told to be emotional, while buying discounted items. Sellers use this for their marketing strategies that convinced customers the discounted items are what they need, not just want. Customers should ask themselves if they really need to buy it no matter it is cheap or not, if the answer is no, then keep the money.

Reply for Panos Mourdoukoutas‘s blog post: Are You Really Getting A Bargain Black Friday Deal?

Tags: Comm101

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