Midterm Evaluation

Hi everyone! Here are the three blogs I am most proud of and would like to present for my midterm evaluation.

The first is my introductory blog. I think that this is a must-read for anyone following my blog throughout the term. It provides some background on who I am and how my home country also has some colonial history, even including a link to an article by a media outlet in the Philippines discussing a manifestation of colonial mentality.


The second is my story of how evil came into the world. This is surely my favorite among all my blog posts as I think I had the most creative freedom when writing it, allowing my own writing style to take over. I surprised myself with how this story turned out and am excited to have a chance to write more stories as the term progresses. More seriously, my hope is that it raises awareness about the commodification and abuse of animals that is unfortunately commonplace in our world today.

Where Evil Came From: The Legend of Tao

Lastly, I would like to share my story of home. The writing process made me reflect on my childhood experiences and the unique ones that stand out and form this notion of home: the people I love, the times I had with them, and doing the things I love doing. The fact that Kobe Bryant’s death coincided with the time of writing made it even more reflective and made me realize how much he is a part of my sense of home. Kobe alone brought back so many memories of watching and playing basketball with my family and friends and writing this post was definitely a contemplative and almost cathartic process.


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