The “World’s Most Valuable Company” Makes an Announcement Today

Today, the long awaited “Iphone 5,” was officially released. I remember that rumors about the new device started becoming widely common in the middle of 2011, when everyone was expecting the October 2011 announcement to be the Iphone 5. To many people’s dismay (including myself), last year the Iphone 5 was not born, and instead the 4S became its temporary replacement. Because at the time I was using a fairly old phone and was in need of a smartphone, along with many others, I ended my wait and bought the 4S. Was this all a part of their marketing scheme?

From my perspective, Apple has somewhat mastered tailoring marketing techniques to appeal to its target market. Fans of Apple or the “world’s most valuable company” as described by BrandChannel, can never seem to get enough and are always striving to have the newest product. Members of the Apple cult anticipate for products long before they are released. Having customers wait for products and product knowledge of things they desire to own is smart marketing strategy used by Apple by attracting customers based on their curiosity and addiction to be the first to own the newest products. Word of mouth spreads quickly when people are discussing their opinions and guessing what the new product will be like. This is advantageous to Apple since word of mouth is a vitally costless promotion method. Perhaps, sometimes the rumors or “leaked” designs released periodically are in fact spread out by internal employees in order to maintain the buzz.

Since people have been waiting for so long for the Iphone 5, I wonder if the reason driving the craze over ordering the Iphone 5 is due to the new features or whether the impatient fans have been sucked into the marketing trap of Apple.

Lineup for release of Ipad 2 in early 2012, What will the line look like for Iphone5?




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